Home Mission pics

Home Mission pics

Friday 7 October 2011

Stories for the Baptist Times

I've been asking churches to send in ideas for articles for a special edition of The Baptist Times which will be sent to churches in November - and there should be a copy for everyone to take away. Our theme will be 'Is church an obstacle to the gospel or our best asset?' and we've had a really good response, lots of stories of missionary disciples either spending time where people are, or finding new ways to use their church (institution or building) to meet a need and answer deep questions. Here's a photo of the new midweek service at Corsham, which has emerged from a lunch club the church has run for a number of years. This caters for a generation who don't like loud music but have some very important questions about life - and this is a place where they can ask them out loud.

I'll try to preview some of these stories on the blog over the next few weeks - and it's not too late to send in yours - please email, with photos if possible, to ruth.whiter@webassoc.org.uk.

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