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Home Mission pics

Thursday 8 November 2012

Big Hearted Fellaship

Many of us who were at Big Hearted Living with Chris Duffett last month came away itching to try some simple things that would get us 'out there', connecting with the people around us.

For the men's group at Hanham Baptist Church (they call it Fellaship) a decision to go down the pub after their monthly prayer meeting provided that opportunity. Yesterday I spoke to the group's leader, Matt Caswell, who told me:

"The pub has a weekly quiz night. Due to our wide range of ages we had every subject area covered - we won every time! As a result people asked 'Where are you all from?'
We told them we were from the local church, and they know where it is, they know people who go there, or their parents might have gone at one time. Most of this is just over the bar. It's nothing big, it's just comments, having a chat. It's no effort, it's the most unforced outreach we've ever done."

Stepping out of church and into a different space, where encounters with those who Jesus is seeking might happen seems easy and obvious, but how often do we actually do it? If you've tried anything like this, however small, we'd love to put it on this blog. Email ruth.whiter@webassoc.org.uk or phone the WEBA office on 0117 965 8828 - or you're welcome to comment below.

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